Safer at Home – Day Eleven


April 13, 2020

We announced our Savers of the Family Archives sale today. Big discounts are available on all the services we offer. This sale, which runs until the end of April, highlights a benefit that isn’t discussed as much as it probably should. Namely, we can save people tons of space.

Cans of film, boxes of videotapes, whole shelves filled with photo albums or slide carousels all take up room. Early in our marriage, I asked my wife a question to start a conversation that I think most people have at some point. “If there were a fire in the house, what one thing do you want me to grab on my way out?” Her answer was immediate: “My photos.”

So I took a look around in order to come up with a plan to sweep through the house collecting all the family photos she has displayed in every room. It was not going to be an easy task at any time but during an inferno it was going to be near impossible. Still, my bride asked me to make sure I saved her photos so I was committed to try.

Until I discovered that not all her photos are on display. In our master bedroom closet sits a six foot cedar chest packed to the brim with photo album after photo album. It must weigh 300 pounds. So I went to my wife and said, “Bad news, hon. I’m going to be going up in flames with the house.”

Having a digital backup of one’s family history – stored on a hard drive that can be kept in a safe deposit box or easily carried in one hand – eliminates the need for self-sacrifice, and insures that the irreplaceable memories of life can always be saved to be re-lived and enjoyed another day.

Michael Ondrasik and Home Video Studio Mount Dora specialize in the preservation of family memories through the digitalization of film, videotapes, audio recordings, photos, negatives, and slides. For more information, call 352-735-8550 or visit our website.

Space Savers



















The scene pictured above is a small illustration of one of the major benefits to digitalizing one’s family’s memories. The physical footprint is a lot smaller. All the tapes shown in this photo will fit on the hard drive in my hand and it will still have room for eight times the number shown here.

So, forget the fact that most analog storage devices cannot be played and therefore the memories they hold stay locked away.

Forget the fact that digitalizing the old memories make them look newer and fresher and more clear than you have ever seen them before because you’ll be watching them on newer and brighter screens.

Forget the fact that after digitalizing all your memories, making digital copies for every single member of your family is not just doable… it is affordable.

But forget all that stuff… just remember that what once took an entire closet or chest of drawers to contain can, after digitalization, fit onto a device the size of a deck of playing cards. If that isn’t enough to convince you that the time is right for you to take back control of your memories, I’m not sure what will.

What could you do with an extra empty closet in your house?  Come see us at Home Video Studio and we can make that happen for you.

Michael Ondrasik and Home Video Studio specialize in the preservation of family memories through the digitalization of films, videotapes, audio cassettes, photos and slides. For more information, call 352-735-8550 or visit our website.