
Blood Relations


I love the fact that my customers are comfortable enough with me to share their stories and memories. Some make me smile, some make me laugh, and then there are some that just leave me dumbstruck with awe and amazement. This newest story belongs in the latter category.

A client came in with an audio transfer but that is not really part of the story. Before she left she asked me if I had the capability of converting a .pdf file to a .jpg file. I said I could and she presented to me a usb drive with a .pdf file on it so I converted it as she waited. Upon completion, she asked me if I minded if she told me the story behind it.  “Mind?” I thought… “I don’t mind at all!”

Her story was amazing. About six months ago, her husband gifted her with an DNA test. She was mildly curious but did not expect the results she received. She had always known she was adopted. But after the tests came back and were compared against other DNA samples that had been processed it turns out that she has a brother who had been looking for members of his biological family for decades and that he lives a mere hour away from her.

They’ve met numerous times since and are sharing their stories and histories and it is uncanny how similar their tales are; how much of him she sees in her children; how much they have in common in appearance and personality. My client admitted that it is a joy to have discovered a brother but it pales in comparison to what her brother is experiencing because not only did he find a sister, but nephews and nieces and a host of other family members – members that he had been searching for as long as he can remember. His cup overfloweth.

The .pdf file that I turned into a .jpg? It was artwork that will be imprinted upon t-shirts for people to wear at an upcoming “family reunion.” I am sure it will be an unforgettable time.

Michael Ondrasik and Home Video Studio of Mount Dora specialize in the preservation of family memories. For more information, call 352-735-8550 or visit