Giving Thanks


As a preserver of family memories, I find myself in a unique position to observe what people truly value. Despite all the differences between us: race, gender, culture, ethnicity, religion, political beliefs, social status or any of the other elements that all too often are used as bait to divide us; when it comes down to what we treasure… we’re pretty much all the same.

People record the moments they want to remember. Moments that touch their heart or speak to their soul and identity. Having transferred thousands of videotapes, films, and slides, I can tell you that people generally capture images of the same things.

Holidays. Vacations. Moments of celebration or accomplishment. Birthdays. Anniversaries. Graduations. Weddings. And, of course, a child’s development as they grow through the stages of life. Most can be boiled down to one simple essence: Love of family and friends.

This is the great unifier. It is the common denominator that has the ability to draw us together as a singular community. Perhaps this is why I love what I do so much. Because of all the love I feel coming from the tapes and films that I’m transferring. This Thanksgiving, I am most thankful to you, my clients, for giving me the greatest gift of all – the opportunity to work with the love you have recorded and wish to preserve.

Michael Ondrasik and Home Video Studio specialize in the preservation of family memories. They can be reached at 352-735-8550.